Purpose To Blessings
14 Proven Faith Principles for Wealthy Business and Healthy Living

The American Dream: to be a successful business owner. To most its just that; a dream. From the outside looking in, it appears that anyone can have business ownership. Not true! It takes courage, faith, and understanding specific success principles.

In this thought-provoking instruction manual for success, Deavra Daughtry allows you to be a student of her amazing experience as she reveals to all how she risked everything to build the empire that she now rules and employs over 500 people.

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Purpose to Blessings Series
Book plus 2 workbook guides provide the steps necessary to build and work your plan to success.

From the trunk of her car, Deavra Daughtry started her dream to provide home health care to the elderly - today over 500 employees strong, Deavra is living her dream.

In this book and these thought provoking business guides Deavra allows you to be a student of her journey as she reveals the 14 principles to follow as you seek success and reap the blessings!


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